Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Big plans. Big fears

I've got some big plans for the future. I read a blog by somebody that was sooo inspiring to me. I wanted to just read it over and over again. It was written by a man that had spent 8 years traveling the world and he was talking about the things that he learned along the way. Now I know this doesn't really seem like the kind of blog topic that should inspire business related goals but it did. I'm always talking about what I want to do and how I want to do things on a huge level. I even go as far to encourage other people to meet their dreams as well. But what is so miraculous is that even when I try with my huge imagination and balls of steel to go forward with my dreams... There is a certain amount of fear that is still present. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of ridicule... Just fear! And knowing that everyone has something they are trying to do and a certain level of fear to overcome, to be successful, it's becoming ever so clear that I mustn't let my fear overtake me. Because as we all know, anything that is worth doing, has a certain degree of difficulty.

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