Sunday, December 19, 2010

Traveling Light

I'm new to blogging but I'm actually finding it quite refreshing. It gets a lot of things off my chest and makes me feel lighter once I've posted something. I will be making this a daily routine. Well, anyway I came down to Miami in the middle of the night without telling anyone except my brother and he was on his way to work. You know how you tell someone something and they really can't do anything about it because they were suppose to leave 15 minutes ago and so they're just like, "Okay, well I can't talk you out of it so be careful!" Yeah, it was something like that. Funny thing is that, one of my biggest frustrations with Houston was the fact that I couldn't find a job I thought was suitable for me with all my education. Then I turn around and come to Miami and it's even worse down here. Probably should have done some research first, but no regrets. I've learned a lot while out here. Thank God I landed on my feet. The morning after I left, around 6 o' clock AM I called back home and said, "Hey mama I'm in Louisiana." I heard her raise straight up in her bed and she took on that frantic tone that all mothers do, 'What?" Even though that happened damn near 6 months ago that phrase sticks in my head like it happened yesterday. The way I said it, how I felt when I said it, and the attitude I said it with. I was excited. It was refreshing. And I said it as if to say, "Yeah mama, I did it! Finally I got the courage to move and I did it," like I was expecting an hand clap. The whole day was surreal, the whole night was full of excitement and anticipation and in the morning I started off with a clean slate. I slept in my car for the first 2 weeks to save money but that got old, real fast so the next week I stayed at a hotel in South Beach. It cost 1000 dollars. I told myself, if I'm gonna be spending that much money, I might as well get an apartment and just pay that a month. So, I did. This time though, I used my brain and moved out of South Beach and into North Beach where you don't have to pay to park and you don't pay a grip for everything including rent and constantly getting parking tickets. This was my best move. I mean, everything is a learning experience. A lot of people say (and I believe them to an extent) that I am very sheltered, some say I was spoiled and had everything done for me. This is true in alot of ways, but while you're young, you really don't see it that way. You just know that you are being taken care of. It's not until you are older, 16 through your 20s that you feel the need to branch off and go your own way. I waited until I was 24 to branch off, not because I was being spoiled or lazy but because I know I have big dreams and lots of things on my list to cover and when I'd branch off I'd do far more than people would consider rational. When I left I didn't have a job, a place to stay, only 4 outfits, 7 maxed out credit cards, a folder full of resumes and a pillow. That's it. I can't take all the credit though, mama did send me some money religiously in the beginning to ensure I had a chance, but the simple fact is at this point, I'm making it on my own.  This is part of my legacy now. Every time my family thinks of me, they'll think of the time I jumped in my brothers truck and hightailed it to Miami following a dream and the directions as displayed in my iPhone. Miami's not my last stop. I plan to go everywhere! Everywhere I ever felt I wanted to go, and do everything I felt I ever wanted to do. Life is so short and now I have my mother's blessing which makes it all the more easy to go on and do. I want to go to California, and New York, the Bahamas and Chicago, Atlanta and Washington, overseas, to Asia and Africa. I just wanna travel the globe. Mock my words, I will do it! I'm just that type of person. Whatever I set my mind to do I will do it and there is no one except God that can stop me!    

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