Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Biggest Entrepreneur Thus Far!

Hey everybody, my name is Schanniah (pronounced Shay-na) and I am an aspiring singer/songwriter/entrepreneur/reality tv star/radio personality. I, like most people see myself making big moves and going places other less ambitious people only dream about. I spend the bulk of my day thinking up clever ways to make money and avenues to get involved in that generates money. I am the biggest entrepreneur to my heart. I always had it in my mind to own my own business and make my own rules and because of that never failing persistent urge in the pit of my stomach; that yearning for self worth and success, am I here where I am now. I was wanting something. I needed to prove to myself and those around me that my goals in life are realistic, and just because you may not be able to comprehend a good thing or the reach of my influence doesn't mean it won't work. Many people when they believe something wont work try to discourage you from pressing on and many people in my life have done this. And if you aren't cool with you, unyielding and completely saturated within your beliefs you'll end up believing them. The best way I know to deal with people like this is to move away from them. You expect a starving dog to stop eating his own shit so if you want a bigger and better meal, you just have to move away from him and go your own way. My goals in life are so massive there's not enough space in my head to house it all. I find myself writing it all down on paper just to get a grip on what I'm trying to do. Even still, while many people would tell me to scale down on what I want , I don't and wont. I believe that I can achieve all I want in life and because these hatters out here are routing against me gives me that much more strength, fueling my fire to keep on doing my thing.

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