Monday, September 26, 2011

Trying to Make it to LA!

Man, I have been up for hours seems like just trying to figure out how to come up with $6000 for this California trip. I wanna make sure that I have enough from the jump this time and when I get down there, I have at least 4 months rent that I can pay in advance. Nothing puts the mind at ease more than knowing you won't get kicked out on your ass in a couple months cus the rent's too high thousands of miles away from family and friends. I will be completely on my own again like last time and I'll need to have all my ducks in a row. I was thinking about starting a small recycling business. I hear they make real good money. That or get this blog up and going and try to get substantial income that way. I'll probably try both just to leverage myself. Either way I plan to have several month's of rent, major medical health insurance, roadside assistance and an apartment all set up by the time I step foot in LA.

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